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In This Issue
Featured Discernment Link
MPORTANT!...Check out the new URL for Act TV
Friends of the Inner Healing Teaching of Agnes Sanford
Letter to the Editor: Native Shaman Rituals Being Used in Mission in Canada
Hillsong Church Hit With $20,000,000 Lawsuit For 'Immoral Acts' +Damages
Check Out Our Excellent Discernment Materials!
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Entertainment-style Christianity
vs. Interactive-style Christianity
by Sandy Simpson
This DVD is a message based on this article.
Today, in a majority of churches, we see the result of the seeker-friendly, "purpose-driven", church  growth, Third Wave, New Apostolic Reformation methods and teachings and their product I am calling "Entertainment-style Christianity" (ESC).  But ESC churches are not only missing out on the cutting edge of true Christianity, but are heading down the road to apostasy.
True biblical Christianity is "interactive".  Those in ESC are taught to be spectators at mega-church entertainment events.  They are not taught the Bible but rather to be enamored with the oratorical skills of the preacher, and to not dare question anything that is shoved down the throats of the "laity" by the ruling "anointed" elite.  They are treated to a circus atmosphere including wild CCM music with people flailing around and acting like they are on drugs, to preachers who tell endless stories about themselves and joke about everything while actually making profundity mundane, to hula dancing, to banners and marching in the church and around it, to the blowing of shofars, to slain in the spirit and wild manifestations.  Theirs ears are tickled by guest speakers who make up sermons out of their own imaginations instead of the written Word.  They are entertained with gold dust, gold fillings, "angel" feathers, "angel" footprints, drunk in the spirit antics, and during these displays they can go out and get a latte and a snack at the church snack bar.  They come into these mega churches and leave without being personally challenged other than with tired worldly psychology, and without anyone being able to find out what they are doing in their private lives.  A small percentage attend "cell groups" where they are diapraxed into consensus instead of challenged to be Bereans and think and act for themselves.  They live like the world during the week, then come to church where the world is not only welcomed but accommodated.
Go here for ordering information.
Featured Discernment Ministry 

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DITC e-Newsletter
Volume 83, Issue 8 
Dear Friends, 

Why would your church want to be associated with HIllsong by using their music?
We continue to need your helpFollow the donation link if you wish to help support this ministry. You can order products by clicking on them below! As always, you can see the DITC e-Newsletter archive here and sign up to receive this newsletter or unsubscribe there as well.
Check out the new URL for Act TV.  Disregard the former URL.
We are moving our YouTube channel to Remnant Television Network (RTN TV). Click on the video below for more information and come visit the RTN site here: 
by Mike Oppenheimer, 1/28/21 Let Us Reason

Agnes Sanford was also a mentor to Richard Foster. Foster, a former Quaker who relied on the "inner light." Dave Hunt and Tom McMahon in Occult Invasion quotes Richard Foster who wrote, " I have been greatly helped in my understanding of the value of the imagination in praying for others by Agnes Sanford .... This advice. [of] prayer through the imagination . . . pictur[ing] the healing ... and much more, was given to me by Agnes Sanford . (Foster, Celebration, pp. 36.136.) Foster endorsed Sanford and her books and wrote I have discovered her to be an extremely wise and skillful counselor in these matters" and calls her book The Healing Gifts of the Spirit "an excellent resource " (Celebration of Discipline, 1978, p. 136, footnote 1). An entire chapter by Sanford is found in his book Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home and another chapter by her in Spiritual Disciplines. Sanford delved deeply into New Thought, Jungian psychology, and other dangerous fields. She said that she got her doctrine of a "spiritual body" within the physical body from New Thought teacher Emmet Fox (Sealed Orders, p. 115; quoted by Berean Call).
Click here to read this article!
Letter to the Editor: Native Shaman Rituals Being Used in Mission in Canada
at Lighthouse Trails, 1/29/21 LT Publishing

Thanks so much for your ministry; your newsletters have been very informative and a blessing to read. For the past three years, we have been involved in a church ministry in __________, Canada which includes outreach to the Native population. I have found that many in the mission are using or condoning Native shaman rituals in their meetings, such as drumming; using a talking/prayer stick; eagle feathers; participating in sharing circles; smudging; water ceremonies; prayer circles; healing circles, etc. Some have dream catchers in their homes and vehicles, and some have also attended the sweat lodge ceremonies in the Native community. I found all this very disturbing and have shared with a few at length, but to no avail; hence the copies I have ordered of Muddy Waters in the hopeful prayer that they might accept Scriptural correction from the author, a Cree Woman, who speaks from personal experience.

at Christian Research Network, 2/1/2
(Protestia)  Hillsong Church is gearing up to meet their financial maker, becoming the defendants in a series of lawsuits over breaches of contract and damages, according to a series of recently filed suits against the scandal-ridden Australian megachurch. On this side of the pond, Hillsong's Connecticut plant is being sued by The Wall Street Theater Company. Hillsong rented the theater from them for their weekly Sunday church service at a cost of nearly $6000 a month.... They signed a fresh lease a few months before the pandemic hit, and then when the world went sideways, sought to take advantage of the agreement's 120-day termination clause. The theater agreed, but the clause to exit the lease was $100,899.25, which Hillsong refused to pay. Connecticut doesn't have a pandemic-related moratorium on commercial rent payment that many states do, and so Hillsong would be liable for it. The suit alleges that Hillsong acted in an "immoral way" and also stole electronic equipment from them.
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As you know, if you are a frequent user of the DITC website, we offer thousands of FREE articles archived or linked from our site.  You can also search for articles on our site and other excellent discernment sites, browse by topic and find the latest articles for the past two months.  We also offer many apologetics DVDs, CDs, books and other materials for purchase using PayPal or by check/money order by mail.

We now have a number of our DVD videos available for instant download via PayLoadz. To see which ones we have available you will find the following symbol next that item on the main pages of the ACT site as well as on the item order page. The DVD videos available with this feature are in MP4 format, playable on your computer or personal device as long as you have a program on it that can play back MP4s. Due to storage restrictions the instant download version of the DVD videos we have available in MP4 format are of slightly less resolution as the DVD version.  However with this option you save shipping and handling and delivery time.  The videos are $10. each and PayLoadz will send you to PayPal for payment. Just go to the page of the item you wish to download and if you see the logo above it will have a "Add To Cart" button where you can download the video immediately.  So now you have a choice.  I also now have downloadable MP3s available for the same MP4 videos at $3. each.

Scan our "What's New!" page for a spinning "Special" logo to get that product for 50% off.  Items will change weekly.  The special only pertains to one physical item weekly, not downloads.

Walking the Waves
by Juanita Simpson

Bible Studies in Discernment
Idolatry In Their Hearts 
Lessons In Forgiveness 
Finish The Race 
New Apostolic Reformation Book 
Letters To The Church 
Discernent Toolkit 


 Some of the following DVDs and CDs are available free on
Entertainment-style Christianity vs. Interactive-style Christianity

Saturate 2020 adherents are those who are drunk and think they can save the planet 

A Warning about Saturate 2020
by Sandy Simpson & Marco Quintana

The Letter to Laodicea
Is a Warning to the TRUE Church Today

The Overseer

Jesus Cares for All your Needs!

Two Lessons from Jonah


Almost Saved

The Forgotten Facts about Michael Brown of Brownsville 



Bradford Pear Christianity

The Lord's Prayer - Our Prayer

Toolkit DVD Series





  IPM DVD Series  
Sola Scriptura  
  Testing Music In The Church DVD Set
  Resources For Pastors  
  Blasphemizing The Bible    
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms  
Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The End Times 1Signs Of Apostasy In The Churches In The Ends Times 2 
ED DVD Series 
A Whole Lot Of Wishful Thinking These Days! - Part 1  
The Responsibilities Of A Good Shepherd 
Christian Bookstores 
ElijahList Part 1 
The Extreme Prophetic 
NAR DVD Series 
EC Tools 
Emerging Church DVD 
Toolkit DVD Series 
Spirit of Truth or Spirit of Error? 
Living Water 2003 
Discernment Conference 2001 
Bible Studies in Discernment 
May the Lord bless you as you continue to be a Berean!
In His hands,

Sandy Simpson
Apologetics Coordination Team
Apologetics Coordination Team, P.O. Box 1759, Pearl City, HI 96782
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