face today without a goal, or if we lose sight of the goal, can be disastrous.  What kept me swimming toward the inside of the reef was the fact that I had faith that the rocks would be there for me to grab on to.  God gives us in His Word the Bible, not only instructions for how to deal with the day to day struggles of life, but the BIG picture.  Seeing life clearly through God's Word can save us a lot of heartache and wasted energy.  When we begin to see things from God's perspective, our struggles take on a different light.  No longer are they strivings in vain, but rather we can see ourselves running a race with a firm goal in mind.  We then can run with patience.  Paul said of himself in Philippians 3:13-14 "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus." To see where God wants to take you in life, you must trust in Him ... put on patience, put your life in His hands, read His Word, talk to Him in prayer, and follow Him where He leads.  Hang on to Jesus the Rock, and He will guide you through the storms of this world to the peaceful waters of eternal life.

Spell "Czechoslovakia"

Some saints must be a pain even for God to endure.

It's like three women who arrived at the Pearly Gates at the same time. St. Peter came but said he had some pressing business and would they please wait.  He was gone for a long time, but finally he came back and called one of the women in and asked her if she minded waiting.

"No," she said, "I've looked forward to this for so long.  I love God and can't wait to meet Jesus.  I don't mind at all."

St. Peter then said, "Well I have one more question.  How do you spell 'God?'"

She said, "Capital-G-o-d."

St. Peter said, "Go right on in."

He went out and got one of the other women, told her to come on inside, and said, "Did you mind waiting?"

She said, "Oh, no.  I have been a Christian for fifty years, and I'll spend eternity here.  I didn't mind at all."

So St. Peter said, "Just one more thing.  How do you spell 'God?'"

She said, "g-o-d.  No, I mean capital-G."

St. Peter said that was good and sent her on in to Heaven.

He went back out and invited the third woman in and asked her if she minded waiting.

"Yes, I did," she said huffily.  "I've had to stand in line all my life--at the supermarket, when I went to school, when I registered my children for school, when I went to the movies--everywhere--and I resent having to wait in line for Heaven!"

St. Peter said, "Well that's all right for you to feel that way.  It won't be held against you, but there is just one more question.  How do you spell 'Czechoslovakia?'"

This is just a joke but it has a good point.  Will God see that we have endured with patience till the end?

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