become obedient to the bit and bridle. It was therefore not the lack of power, but great power under the control of a master.
Christianity is NOT for the weak! Being a Christian does NOT mean being soft spoken, weak, easily intimidated, it is strength under control of a master!
Gentleness means finding a loving and kind way to do a tough job. It means a control over one's own life and situations in a way that allows kindness and compassion to show through. Gentleness is not afraid to do what is needed.

Firing an employee is one of the toughest jobs a supervisor ever faces. An insurance sales manager was known for his tact and diplomacy. One of his young salesmen was performing so poorly that he had to be terminated. The manager called him in and said, "Son, I don't know how we're ever going to get along without you, but starting Monday we're going to try." -- James S. Hewett, Illustrations Unlimited (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc, 1988), p. 472.

The Bible teaches us that Gentleness is Love's humility, strength under control … this differs from the last element of the fruit of the spirit "self-control" in the sense that this quality is "God-controlled" rather than "self-control."


A. Yoked - Read 11:29

1. Jesus tells us to take His YOKE upon us, to learn from Him because He IS GENTLE and HUMBLE in heart … and if we do we will find REST for our souls!
a. "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 11:29
b. What does this mean?
c. It simply means to stop letting your own strength expressed through your fallen nature and submitting to the control of God in your life.
2. These yokes were double yokes, most Jews would "break in" a new ox by yoking them to a seasoned and fully developed ox.
a. The seasoned ox would control by its shear strength the new undisciplined ox.
b. The new ox had no choice but to follow the mature ox around, the mature one led the way, did most of the work, and responded completely to the master.
c. The new ox's work load was actually quite easy since the big ox was the one doing most of the work … but it was training the new one in spite of all the resistance it gave at first.
3. Once yoked, the new ox had little choice if it wanted a life of peace … if it constantly bucked it ended up sore and bruised and exhausted, for it was no match for the seasoned strong ox.
a. How many Christians find their lives miserable? If they do it is because they are bucking against God's leading in their life and they are fighting against God's strength … you can't win doing this!
b. Rest came from working WITH the seasoned ox … and it also meant a light burden since the seasoned ox did most of the work.
4. The seasoned ox did not kick or bite the new ox, it just kept going in the right direction.
a. The seasoned ox has no need to draw attention to himself, he just humbly does his work.
b. One of the clear qualities of a Spirit filled gentle Christian is humility!


Nearing his journey's end, Calvin gave strict instructions that he be buried in the common cemetery with no tombstone. He wished to give no encouragement to those who might make it a Protestant shrine. Today, his grave site is unknown. -- "John Calvin," Christian History, no. 12.

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