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Christian Resources On The Internet
My reference library for study.  Features links to master lists, colleges and seminaries, mission organizations, daily devotionals, evangelism and apologetics, miscelleneous resources, theological works, sermons and dictionaries, biblical studies: NT and OT studies & manuscripts, church history - general archives, and church history - creeds and confessions.  This is a duplicate of the Biblical Studies Foundation web links, as well as some of my own.  Very useful for research.

Deception In The Church
A great reference library on the subject of deception in the church with regards to the "Third Wave" movement - including the counterfeit revivals associated with Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard-Browne, the Vineyard & Kansas City Prophets, Toronto "Blessing" churches, Brownsville A/G of Pensacola and others spreading the false anointing.  They provide access to hundreds of articles, links to other web sites, publications, audio and video on the subject of false teachers and doctrine.

Hot Links
My personal favorite Links as well as various Search Engines.

Search Tools
A few of the best Search Engines.

Our contact information is: Outrigger Productions, P.O. Box 1759, Pearl City, HI 96782

You can e-mail Sandy Simpson at ssimpson@hawaii.rr.com

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