Outrigger Productions

VIDEO by Sandy Simpson


"WALKING THE WAVES" - The Simpson Story

This 10 minute video featuring pictures, live video and stories from the Juanita Simpson book "Walking The Waves", now available from Christian Literature Crusade publishers in a bookstore near you. To order the book or the video, contact Sandy Simpson .

Video Price - $7.00 each.  Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.

Book Price - $10.25 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this book.

"Foundation House Video '98"

A10 minute video that explains the goals and mission of Foundation House, a foster care ministry to house and help abused and neglected youth on Guam.Contact Sandy Simpson for details.

Price - $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.


Island Meditations

"Island Meditations" by Sandy Simpson

"Island Meditations is the beauty of Micronesia set to instrumental music and Scripture readings on island themes. The wonder of God's Creation is in evidence everywhere in the islands of the Pacific. It has been said that "once you've slept on an island, you'll never be quite the same." We hope that this look through the viewfinder will bring a flood of thoughts and memories to the surface upon reflection on the marvelous works of God in the islands." Sandy Simpson

This video features the music, poetry and videography of Sandy Simpson.  If you want to see this video in low resolution, click here.

Price - $14.95 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.  Specify whether VHS or DVD.


"Pacific Islands Bible College - Ticket To Go"

This video highlights PIBC for prospective teachers and students. Campus life on Guam and in Chuuk is shown mixed with spectacular shots from Chuuk. For more information on teacher opening and student registration, contact Pacific Islands Bible College for details.

This Outrigger Productions video is $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.

"Emmaus/Bethania High Schools - Ticket To Go"

Beautiful video of these two high schools in Palau, interspersed with interviews of students and teachers. Teachers are always needed there! Contact Liebenzell Mission of Micronesia for more info on teaching opportunities.

This Outrigger Productions video is $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.

"Yap High School - Ticket To Go"

Breathtaking video of Yap and interviews with teachers. Contact Liebenzell Mission of Micronesia for more details on needs in Yap.

This Outrigger Productions video is $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.

"Pacific Islands Bible College" - German Language Version

A video explaining the ministry of PIBC. This is a special German language version, available in NTSC only!. Contact Pacific Islands Bible College for details on opportunities at PIBC.

This Outrigger Productions video is $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.

"The Work Of Liebenzell Mission in Micronesia" by Steven Leuice

This video highlights the work that Liebenzell Mission is involved in around the Micronesian islands today. Video from Yap, Palau, Chuuk and Guam are coupled with interviews. Contact Liebenzell Mission of Micronesia for more details on LMI work around the world.

This Outrigger Productions video is $7.00 each. Click on the following PayPal logo to order this video.


You can order by sending clicking on the PayPal logos directly under the product you wish to purchase.  If you wish to pay by check or by cash, please send your order including your name, return mail address, and any checks made payable to "Alexander Simpson" to the following address:

Alexander Simpson
P.O. Box 1043
Wadesboro, NC 28170

Click here to send an e-mail order!

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